Puolan PEN:in kannanotto

Suomen PEN yhtyy Puolan PEN:in kannanottoon

Puolan PEN on julkaissut kannanoton, jossa tuomitaan Wroclawissa viime keskiviikkona tapahtuneet rasistiset teot. Äärioikeistolainen ryhmä poltti juutalaisnukkeja maahanmuuttoa vastuvassa mielenosoituksessa Wroclawin kaupungintalolla Länsi-Puolassa keskiviikkona 18. marraskuuta. Suomen PEN on Puolan PEN:in tavoin huolissaan kasvavasta rasismista ja antisemitismistä  ja tukee Puolan PEN:in kannanottoa.

Iskuista ja PEN:in kannaotosta uutisoi puolaksi Wyborcza.pl, englanniksi mm. Algemeiner.

Statement of the Polish PEN Club

22 November 2015

Following a series of physical and symbolic Nazi acts of violence in Wrocław and other cities around Poland, the demonstration of extreme nationalist groups performed an act of burning the figure of a Jew in the Wrocław market. This constitutes a neo-Nazi act of executing a death sentence in effigie – of the representation of an imaginary condemned convict. The direct doer of this act was one of the closest till quite recently collaborator of a member of the Committee for Matters Relating to the Special Forces of the Polish Parliament, of a leader of a strong Parliamentary alliance.

Genocide is not part of the tradition of the Polish Wrocław. It is rather a reference to the most Nazi city of the 3rd Reich. If Wrocław is to aspire to become the European Capital of Culture and not of KuKluxKland, it needs to quickly come to terms with its own disgrace.

We express our support for the stand taken by the President of the City of Wrocław who as the first representative of local government approached the law enforcement institutions demanding an immediate initiation of proceedings. We appeal to the highest authorities of the Republic of Poland to promptly bring to a stop the increasingly more and more insolent racist acts that are taking place in Poland.

The Board of the Polish PEN Club

PEN Tiedotus