Adrian Perera

Adrian Perera, born 1986, is a writer and lives in Turku. In addition to the collection of poems White Monkey (2017), he has published the novels Mamma (2019) and Pappa (2020). For her debut (White Monkey), Perera won the Finland-Swedish Yle Literature Prize with the motivation “75 sidor rent guld”. In his works, Perera focuses on themes such as immigration, generational differences and domestic violence, and then with a special interest in mood and memories. In Perera’s work, the subjective always stands in the way of an objective perception of what really happened, in that the main characters (e.g. the 8-year-old Anthony in Mamma) cannot or do not want to see what they expose each other to. Perera himself has described his latest novels as “flirting with realism”, but that his characters ultimately live their lives in their own heads. Stylistically, Perera works with a multilingual approach in several of his books, in addition to Swedish, Finnish, English and Sinhalese usually appear with the aim of showing the fragility of the language in the face of the characters’ life situations.

Conversations with a mother

Text in Swedish: Adrian Perera
Translation into Finnish: Samu Eeve
Translation into English: Susan Heiskanen

Read in Swedish and in English by Miiko Toiviainen
Read in Finnish by Eeva Soivio

Conversations with a mother, in Swedish

Conversations with a mother, in Finnish

Conversations with a mother, in English

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