
Clas Zilliacus: Hemma överallt
PENs WiP (Writers in Prison) Committees och nätverket ICORN (International Cities of Refuge Network) möttes i Rotterdam 29 – 31...

Nancy Saili is visiting LIWRE as a guest of the Finnish PEN
Nancy Saili from Zambia is visiting Lahti International Writers’ Reunion as a guest of the Finnish PEN. This is her...

Kieli- ja käännöskomiteoiden kongressi järjestettiin toukokuun alussa Meksikossa
Raportti PENin kieli- ja käännöskomiteoiden konferenssista 2019Meksiko, Chiapas, San Cristóbal 1.-5.5.2019 / Veera Tyhtilä Kieli- ja käännöskomiteoiden kokous järjestettiin YK:n...

A joint statement of Nordic PEN centres on Iran: Drop charges against human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh
A statement by four Nordic PEN Centres, 16 March 2019 Finnish PEN together with Danish PEN, Norwegian PEN, and Swedish...

Kunnianloukkausrikosten oikeuskäsittelyjen yhdenmukaisuus on varmistettava
Helsingin Sanomat käsitteli sunnuntaina 10.3. kunnianloukkausrikosten oikeuskäsittelyä Suomessa. Toimittajat kävivät läpi 867 kunnianloukkaustapausta kolmen viime vuoden ajalta. Sekä syyttäjänvirastojen että...

At the Annual Meeting, a new President and Board elected
A new Board of PEN Finland has been elected in its Annual Meeting held on 13 February 2019. Playwright and...

PEN International Fellowship 2018
Mojibur Doftori, PEN Finland’s board member and the chair of its Writers at Risk Committee, was invited as a fellow...

Finnish PEN 90 years at restaurant Dubrovnik 14.11
90 -year-old writers’ freedom of expression association Finnish PEN invites you to celebrate with us! This special evening on Wednesday...

Finnish PEN at Helsinki Book Fair
Writers’ freedom of expression association Finnish PEN celebrates its 90th year this autumn. We are having five discussions on free speech,...

Finnish PEN’s Resolution on Stifling of Digital Freedom passed in Pune
Digitalization is transforming the world at an unprecedented pace in human history giving people powerful tools to improve lives and...

PEN event – Writers for freedom of speech July 16th
The Writer’s Association Finnish PEN organizes an event with PEN America on Monday, 16 July 2018 at 2–4.00 pm on...

New information on Galal El-Behairy’s case
Finnish PEN has received new information about the case of the Egyptian poet Galal El-Behairy, who’s currently facing charges in Military...

#FreeGalal poetry demonstration was seen and heard
A group of supporters of the poet Galal El-Behairy gathered in front of the embassy of Egypt in Helsinki to...

Please join us in Helsinki: #FreeGalal demonstration on World Refugee Day 20 June 2018
The 20th of June is UN’s World Refugee Day. It is about sharing responsibility for global issues. Many PEN centres around...

Bangladesh: Publisher killed
11 June 2018 – PEN International is deeply saddened and concerned at today’s news that publisher and writer, Shahzahan Bachchu, was murdered in Munshiganj, Bangladesh...

#FreeGalal and Megaphone X at Freedom of Expression Club on 9 June 2018
Freedom of Expression Club: Ramy Essam – Freedom to Sing was organized at Tenho Restobar on Sat 9 June 2018...

Freedom of Expression Club: Ramy Essam – Freedom to Sing 9.6.2018
Tenho Restobar (Helsinginkatu 15, 2nd floor), Saturday 9 June 2018 18–20pm Ramy Essam is a superstar of Arabic rock music,...

Oleg Sentsov on hunger strike – sign Finnish PEN’s online appeal NOW
Ukrainian writer and filmmaker Oleg Sentsov has been on hunger strike since 14 May 2018 to urge the Russian authorities...

The 25th celebration of World Press Freedom Day on May 3rd!
On The World Press Freedom Day May 3rd Venla Hiidensalo, the new President of Finnish PEN, was interviewed by the Finland’s...

PEN calls for justice for Daphne Caruana Galizia
On World Press Freedom Day 3 May 2018 PEN calls for justice for Daphne Caruana Galizia and the protection of...